
Holy crap! You found my obscure little website! Cool! Thanks for coming.

Yup. It’s another damn food blog. Like that’s never been done before.

I’ll be posting the usual. Recipes and stuff, though without the crass SEO/Advertising bullshit. Sure, I’d like to make money doing this, but not at the expense of “my core” which is the food, or the peace and delight I take in making and serving it.

There’s useful shit, too. Or there will be once I figure out how to display it properly (a work in progress). Reference stuff. Like “My recipe calls for 8 ounces of fresh possum lips. Is that before or after I trim? How much should I buy?” That sort of thing.

As much as I wish I could avoid it, there will be commentary: social, philosophical, culinary – whatever’s on my mind, because it’s part of who I am and what I do. Everything is connected. I can promise no fan-fiction, so there’s that.

There’s also sometimes diet stuff, but I got tired of that shit very quickly. Very limiting by its very Nature.

My goal is mostly to make food and present ideas. What you do with them is your business. I think it’s morally wrong to want or need to influence others unless it’s to encourage them to think for themselves and draw their own conclusions. So…

There is no right way. There is no wrong way. This is what works for me. If it works for you, great. If not, no big. The world is judgy enough and I will not add to it.